Unleashing the Power of LinkedIn Collaborative Articles: A Comprehensive Guide

By admin Nov25,2023

Have you seen these new collaborative LinkedIn articles? Maybe you were tagged to be in one. I had received several notifications, but wasn’t sure if it was a good use of my time. Here’s what I learned.

After being tagged multiple times to contribute to LinkedIn Collaborative Articles (and not contributing), I was curious about what they were, and what benefit they offer entrepreneurs, especially thought leaders, so let’s take a deeper look.

These collaborative articles are essentially a form of content created on LinkedIn by multiple authors, each bringing their unique insights and perspectives on a given topic.

They can serve as a powerful platform for entrepreneurs and thought leaders to demonstrate their expertise, engage with their professional networks, and foster meaningful conversations.

What’s more, they can significantly extend your reach and visibility on LinkedIn, potentially unlocking new opportunities. Let’s delve into the ‘hows’ and ‘whys’ of LinkedIn collaborative articles, and unfold the potential they hold for you and your professional growth.

Key Takeaways

  • Maximize visibility, network & knowledge with LinkedIn Collaborative Articles
  • Follow topics and use search to find relevant articles to contribute your expertise
  • Engage in meaningful conversations by providing constructive feedback & staying professional

Understanding LinkedIn Collaborative Articles

Photo by Souvik Banerjee on Unsplash

LinkedIn Collaborative Articles revolutionize the way knowledge and insights are shared within the professional community. These articles begin as AI-powered conversation starters developed by LinkedIn’s editorial team, designed to bring together relevant member experts to contribute their tips, stories, and advice based on their professional experience. Think of it as a melting pot of ideas and perspectives, with the aim of fostering collaboration and learning among users.

How does LinkedIn match the right experts with the appropriate articles?

The platform uses its Skills Graph to connect each article with the most suitable and relevant member experts. This way, each article benefits from a wide range of perspectives and expertise, making it a valuable resource for all LinkedIn users.

The Benefits of Collaborative Articles

Contributing to Collaborative Articles on LinkedIn offers a ton of advantages for professionals. By sharing your insights, you can grow your audience, build a following, and establish a name for yourself on the platform.

Your LinkedIn network will be notified when you contribute, and your connections can give your contribution an upvote, increasing your visibility. Plus, LinkedIn is rolling out new incentives to make Collaborative Articles more noticeable in search results, feeds, and notifications.

The benefits of contributing to Collaborative Articles include:

  • Exposure to the expertise of other professionals, enabling you to learn from their experiences and expand your knowledge
  • A boost in the search engines
  • Enhancing your professional development
  • Building a strong network of connections within your industry

Locating and Participating in Collaborative Articles

woman wearing eyeglasses
Photo by Rabie Madaci on Unsplash

Finding and contributing to Collaborative Articles might seem challenging at first, but don’t worry – we’ve got you covered!

The upcoming sections will guide you on how to locate and participate in Collaborative Articles by following topics, using search, and aligning your skills and expertise with relevant subjects.

Following Topics and Using Search

The first step to discovering Collaborative Articles is to follow topics or skills that interest you. This will trigger notifications whenever a new Collaborative Article related to those areas of interest is published. Stay informed and never miss an opportunity to contribute your valuable insights!

Here’s a shortcut: Click here to see a list of LinkedIn Collaborative Articles.

screenshot of linkedin collaborative articles

Once you’re on this page, click on the topic area that you are an expert in. In this case, I picked “Marketing”

I’m listed there and can start a contribution. Now, I’ve been tagged to provide a contribution, so I’m not surprised to see my profile there. To see YOUR profile there, you will have to have “Creator” mode turned on.

Then, simply click on an article to which you want to add your perspective and you’re off to the races.

Another effective strategy is to use LinkedIn’s search function.

As LinkedIn introduces incentives to encourage participation in Collaborative Articles, their visibility in search results, feeds, and notifications will improve.

So, make use of the search feature to find articles that align with your expertise and start contributing!

Matching Skills and Expertise

So, if LinkedIn is using the skills mentioned in your profile, it stands to reason that your first stpe is to make sure that your LinkedIn profile accurately mirrors your skills and expertise.

This way, you’ll be more likely to be matched with relevant articles where your knowledge will be valued and appreciated.

One useful feature to showcase your skills is LinkedIn Skill Assessment.

Don’t worry, you can’t fail this one. These assessments give you the opportunity to demonstrate your proficiency in a variety of skills in your background. Think of it as a quality assurance stamp of approval that increases trust in your capabilities.

By highlighting your expertise on your profile, you’ll stand out as a valuable contributor to Collaborative Articles and further enhance your professional reputation.

Becoming a Community Top Voice

silhouette of man standing on high ground under red and blue skies
Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

Imagine being recognized as one of the top contributors to Collaborative Articles in your field of expertise. That’s what becoming a Community Top Voice on LinkedIn is all about.

The subsequent sections will guide you on how to earn this prestigious badge and use it to enhance your visibility and credibility on the platform.

Earning the Badge

To earn the coveted gold badge and become a Community Top Voice, you need to be a significant contributor to Collaborative Articles in a specific skill area. This recognition not only highlights your expertise but also sets you apart as a valuable member of the LinkedIn community.

The Community Top Voice badge:

  • Lasts for at least 60 days after you receive it
  • Can be taken away if you violate LinkedIn’s Professional Community Policies
  • To retain the badge, continue providing valuable contributions and adhere to LinkedIn’s community guidelines
  • Remember, consistency is key!

Using the Badge

Once you’ve earned the Community Top Voice badge, it’s time to leverage it for maximum impact. The badge not only boosts your profile’s visibility but also increases engagement with your target audience and the LinkedIn community. Showcasing the badge on your profile demonstrates your expertise and credibility, making your profile stand out among other LinkedIn users.

To maximize the benefits of the Community Top Voice badge, focus on:

  • Building a relevant network
  • Posting quality content
  • Staying consistent
  • Matching your skills to the topics in Collaborative Articles

By doing so, you’ll further enhance your professional reputation and gain more visibility, opening the door to new opportunities and connections.

Diving into the A-Z List of Collaborative Article Topics

person wearing rectangular black watch
Photo by Cristian Palmer on Unsplash

Ready to navigate through the vast array of topics available for Collaborative Articles on LinkedIn?

The following sections will guide you through the extensive A-Z list of Collaborative Article topics, aiding you in finding areas where you can contribute and enhance your knowledge.

Navigating the List

The A-Z list of Collaborative Article topics on LinkedIn covers a diverse range of subjects, including:

  • Account Management
  • AI
  • Business Economics
  • IT Service Delivery

This comprehensive list ensures that there’s something for everyone, regardless of your area of expertise, and the options are supported by the information provided for this image. The select group of options caters to a wide range of interests.

To navigate the list and find topics that align with your skills and interests, simply follow the steps provided in the knowledge base. Once you’ve identified relevant topics, you’re ready to contribute your insights and broaden your expertise.

Expanding Your Expertise

a person holding a sign that says new ideas
Photo by Ava Sol on Unsplash

Engaging in Collaborative Articles is an effective way to:

  • Keep up-to-date within your industry
  • Broaden your knowledge
  • Gain valuable insights
  • Learn from the expertise of other professionals

Consistently contributing to Collaborative Articles offers several benefits:

  • Sharing your voice and staying informed on the latest trends and developments in your field
  • Connecting with other professionals
  • Showcasing your expertise
  • Establishing your thought leadership in your industry

Tips for Quality Contributions

Now that you understand LinkedIn Collaborative Articles and their benefit to your professional development, here are some tips for providing quality contributions. In the following subsections, we’ll discuss:

  1. Writing
  2. Formatting
  3. Providing feedback
  4. Engaging with other contributors

These tips will help ensure that your input adds value to the conversation.

Finding the Right Articles

I’ve not seen this tip anywhere, but it’s one that I’m using as a new contributor.

Look for articles with the least number of contributions.

linkedin collaborative articles

In this screenshot you can see that there is an article with 888 contributors and another one with 59 contributors. I chose the one with fewer contributors. I’m not sure if that matters, it just seems logical to me that there are fewer “competitors” and more opportunities to mention something that hasn’t been covered in the article.

Writing and Formatting

fountain pen on black lined paper - linkedin collaborative artivles
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

To enhance the value of your contributions, focus on writing clear, concise, and well-formatted content. Consider your audience, and tailor your content to their knowledge and interests. Keep your message simple and straightforward by using short sentences, active verbs, and avoiding jargon or complex language.

Proper formatting is key to making your content easy to read and understand. Here are some tips to help you format your content effectively:

  • Break up your content into sections or bullet points
  • Use headings and subheadings to organize your ideas
  • Take the time to edit and revise your content to ensure it’s error-free and conveys your message effectively

By following these formatting tips, you can make your content more visually appealing and engaging for your readers.

Providing Feedback and Engaging with Others

Interaction with other noteworthy contributors is a key aspect of participating in collaborative articles. By providing constructive feedback and fostering meaningful discussions, you’ll help create a collaborative environment where everyone can learn and grow.

When commenting and providing feedback on LinkedIn, remember to:

  • Be friendly, authentic, and professional
  • Offer valuable insights
  • Stay on topic
  • Avoid slander or insults
  • Acknowledge and respond to comments or at least like them to show your appreciation.

By actively engaging with others, you’ll enhance the value of the Collaborative Articles and build stronger connections within the LinkedIn community.


LinkedIn Collaborative Articles provide a significant platform for professionals aiming to showcase their expertise, network with others, and stay up-to-date in their industry. By participating in Collaborative Articles, you’ll not only contribute to the collective knowledge of the LinkedIn community but also benefit from the insights of other professionals.

Why not get started and begin sharing your expertise with the world?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is collaborative articles in LinkedIn?

Collaborative articles are knowledge topics published by LinkedIn, developed with our editorial team and enhanced by the insights and perspectives of our community. They provide a platform to share knowledge and build an informed and connected network.

What are the benefits of collaborative articles on LinkedIn?

Collaborative articles on LinkedIn allow you to expand your reach around the world and potentially earn a Community Top Voices badge when members appreciate your contribution. This is an excellent way to share knowledge and gain recognition as a thought leader.

How do you co author an article on LinkedIn?

To co-author an article on LinkedIn, visit the post creation page, type in your collaborator’s email address in the ‘Invite New Contributor’ box and click ‘invite’ to send them an invitation. That’s all it takes!

How can I become a Community Top Voice on LinkedIn?

To become a Community Top Voice, consistently contribute valuable insights to Collaborative Articles, earn the badge, and leverage it for visibility and credibility.

By admin

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