Kerala Biker Run Over By A Car Miraculously Survives And Walks Away From Crash [Video]

By admin Jan31,2024

Reckless driving is the major cause of accidents on the road. In India, people lack discipline on the road, and that is another reason for several major accidents. There are hundreds of accident cases reported from different parts of the country every day. In some cases, people escape with injuries, while in other cases, there are casualties. Here we have a video where a biker miraculously escaped in an accident where he was run over by a car. The video of the accident has been circulating online and has already gone viral.

The video seen here is shared by Gagandeep Singh on his X profile. The same video is available on many other social media and news platforms. The video is very short, and we do not get a clear view of how the accident happened. In this video, we see a Maruti Ignis with a crashed Yamaha R15 on the side. It initially looked like the driver had crashed into a bike that was parked on the roadside. However, when you look carefully, there is a person in front of the Ignis, and the driver could not stop the car on time.

He drove the car above the rider, and the tires did go over the rider’s arm and legs. The car did stop, and people standing on the side of the road were all worried that the rider who was under the car was seriously injured. While everyone was still in shock, the rider emerged from under the car and sat right behind it. It was then the locals ran towards him to check if he was alright or not. The car driver was still inside as he was also in shock. The rider was wearing a proper riding helmet, which is what saved him from major injuries or head injuries in this accident.

Biker under the car

After the accident, the people picked the rider, and he was standing next to the car minutes after the accident. He seems to be fine, and we do not see any major injuries to his body on video. One of the main reasons why the rider escaped in this case was because he was wearing a riding helmet. The helmet saved him from any type of head injuries. The exact reason for this accident is not clear yet. The accident happened somewhere in Kerala on January 22, 2024. It is not clear whether the biker was trying to overtake the car from the left side or the car driver recklessly crashed into the biker and lost control. It is also not clear whether the driver was under the influence of alcohol or not. Whatever may be the reason, the rider was extremely lucky to have escaped this accident without any major injuries.

This video is a great example that shows why one must always be careful while riding on the roads, especially in India. In India, driving or riding is extremely challenging. There are several factors like cattle, stray dogs, jaywalkers, and even people driving on the wrong side of the road that pose a threat to the road users. One should remain alert and calm and should follow the rules to avoid such incidents.

By admin

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