“He Doesn’t Show You That Side..” Usman Khawaja Breaks Silence On The Emotional David Warner

By admin Jan2,2024

Australia’s legendary opener David Warner will bid farewell to test cricket after the upcoming 3rd test match against Pakistan at the SCG starting from 3rd January 2024. He had already announced this earlier. Now even he announced his retirement from ODI cricket as well but mentioned that he will make a comeback for the Champions Trophy 2025 if he needs it. Ahead of his final game, David Warner was emotional.

In a heartfelt tribute to his longtime teammate and friend David Warner, Australian cricketer Usman Khawaja shared his emotional reflections ahead of Warner’s final test match against Pakistan at the SCG, starting on January 3, 2024. Khawaja opened up about the rarely seen side of Warner, emphasizing the contrast between the fierce competitor on the field and the different person he is at home with his family.

Khawaja described Warner as a “fierce competitor,” highlighting the intensity and determination Warner displays while playing cricket. The image of Warner as “the Bull” on the field is well-known, but Khawaja’s insight reveals a deeper layer to his personality. Despite the fierce exterior, Khawaja expressed witnessing a side of Warner that isn’t readily apparent during matches, a side marked by emotion and sentiment.

The Australian cricketer went on to praise Warner’s dual persona, stating, “Something I love about Davey and probably the thing I love about him the most is you see what he is like on the cricket field, but he is such a different person when he is back home and with his family.” This acknowledgment sheds light on the private, more vulnerable aspects of Warner’s character that are often overshadowed by his on-field persona.

Khawaja’s sentiments extended beyond the cricketing arena, delving into the longstanding friendship between the two players and their families. He mentioned knowing Warner’s parents, Loraine and Howard, for an extended period, highlighting the deep connection between the two families. Khawaja expressed the uniqueness of their journey, emphasizing the surreal nature of sharing such a significant moment as Warner’s retirement with a childhood friend.

As Khawaja reflected on the culmination of their cricketing journey, he touched upon the profound emotions tied to the realization that this chapter was coming to an end. He acknowledged the tremendous effort, time, heart, soul, and tears Warner invested in his cricketing career, recognizing the multitude of highs and lows that come with the sport. 

Here is what Khawaja said:

“It is quite special and quite emotional, I haven’t seen that. You don’t see that side of Davey (Warner) at all. Obviously he doesn’t show you that side when he is playing. He is a fierce competitor. You see the Bull and you see him go out there and play hard and I have known him for a long time and I know that side of him. 

“Something I love about Davey and probably the thing I love about him the most is you see what he is like on the cricket field, but he is such a different person when he is back home and with his family. I have obviously known his parents Loraine and Howard for a long time and their family is good mates with my family.”

“Playing together and being together for so long, the journey is bizarre and one part of that journey is coming to an end. He has stopped playing Test cricket and One Day Internationals and he put so much time and effort into it and there is so much heart, soul and tears that go into it. 

There is so many ups and downs and so much goes into it, I guess when you get to the realisation that it is coming to an end, especially being able to share that with a childhood friend. And now that we have our own kids it is weird when it comes full circle.” 

Khawaja’s words painted a picture of a multifaceted individual in David Warner – a fierce competitor on the field, a loving family man off the field, and a cherished friend whose retirement marked the end of a unique and profound cricketing journey.

By admin

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